Английский язык
Обновлено 10 сентября 2024 года.
Я постарался собрать несколько групп слов и выражений, чтобы внутри каждой группы были слова с одинаковой фонетической особенностью:
activity, extraordinary, to live, leave, lease, see, meet, meat, me, we, he, niece, creation, the, be, bee, freelancer
garage, savage, manage, damage, past perfect, English, innovation, information, listen, refridgerator, dramatic, will, wallet, extraordinary, exam, example, respire, porridge, college
wood, wool, fool, pool, cool, tycoon, gloom, bloom, do, you, new, knew, fluent, blue, clue, truth, look, book, would, full, mindful
blood, took, look, book, good, wool, wood, would, could, should, full; durable
clever, there, where, letter
urgent, were, word, world, work, past perfect; hope, no, know, don't, won't, focus, go, open, mindful, fluent, control, to perfect
ear, near, fear, hear, tear (a teardrop), clear, we're
to tear, air, bear, hare, hair, pear, parent, pair, varies, variable, where, there, are; pet, pep, went, step, the, to project, to perfect
nice, mice, ice, fence, face, since, performance, niece, passive voice, access, miss, actress, freelancer, glance
eyes, mouse, sins, sports, does, genius, apologise, construction, answer, was, step, close, start, prisoner, established, university, glimpse, respire
ask, last, answer, mindful, volatile, calm, director, freelancer, can't, shan't, drama, example, respire
art, are, pardon
ant, act, activity, inactivity, inadequate, brown, clown, cloud, cow, how, now, nowadays, hour, underground, thousand, catch, shall, has, dramatic, cashback, garage, exam, past perfect
London, Moscow, was, love, come, comeback, often, a project, on, off course
bush, us, blood, construction, backup, one, love, come, London
an, a, the, was, in, and, or, for, of, to, are, will, shall, has, have, would, do
wall, walk, caught, taught, thought, saw, boy; extraordinary, four, for, or, drawer
wallet, wallop, what, on, often, a project, was, off course, cosmetologist, porridge, college, Moscow
Возможны ошибки; я собираюсь исправлять их, по мере того как буду проверять все слова в словарях...
Для справки: фонетика
По-немецки: Ich würde gehen.
По-английски: I would go.
Единственный гласный в слове would очень похож на первый гласный в слове würde! А буква «эл» не читается:
Вы только проверьте, послушав носителей, хорошо?